Monday, July 28, 2008

I'm too old for all nighters!

I'm going to spend my monthly whiney blog allowance. Last week, I turned 29. I showed up to an event at a friends, 30 minutes late and 1 day early, and she said, "Lib, you're too young for this type of mixup." Lovingly, she said it. You know what I mean. Now, I've just spent the entire night at work. And since I am now 29, I've turned into a raving hypochondriac. When I was a kid of 21, I could type all night with no ill effects. Now, I feel that I have a rather acute case of mouse finger and keyboard wrist, along with an unpleasant feeling in my stomach. I am not sure if this is a result of the 10 cups of coffee, vitamin water, and 4 krispy creme doughnuts that I deemed necessary to survive the night, or if it's caused by me overanalyzing how much fat I just consumed and how it's probably coating my undeniably adult arteries as I sit here. And oh boy, do I want to sleep. Back in the day it was different. I could cram for days for final exams and then I got to go home and sleep for days....but alas, no, no sleep for the's um, monday. Now how did I get myself into this mess of an all nighter, well, I don't want to point any fingers, but this is a result of me responding to job ads that say things like 'thrives in a deadline driven environment' flag!! It should read, enjoys pressure and stress and doesn't need a pat on the back for a job well done ever. Extremely good at all nighters. Wears business casual all the time, so is ready for dress code on Monday morning...ooops. Hey, I have a toothbrush and toothpaste in my desk, anything more than that, and I think somebody needs to have a talk about what's a realistic expectation and what's just plain delusional. OK back to annotating. You don't want to know. It's not fun. Really.

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